
A colophon is a nobby designer word for 'how this site was made'


Headers are set in

and body copy is set in , both from . I love its semi-serifs and classical feel. Supporting sans-serif type is set in .

I use a

developed by , which uses some wild CSS calculations to continuously adjust the font size relative to your browser's width.


does most of the heavy lifting on this site – it's a static site builder that takes care of a lot of otherwise cumbersome optimsiations like server-side rendering, image loading, and routing.

I used React and styled components to build and design the interface. All the individual notes are written in

– a souped-up version of markdown that makes it easy to design and reuse custom components and interactive JavaScript elements.

takes care of hosting. Animations are built with . My CMS is just a bunch of files and folders. Everything is open souce and published on . The whole thing is frankly overengineered for a personal website, but playing with transient web technologies is an indulgent hobby I don't want to relinquish.

Growth Stages

Every post on this site has a growth stage. Everything starts as a reasonably unopinionated note (as much as that's possible – I'm a cultural relativist at heart and question the idea of pure, objective knowledge).

Notes begin as seedlings, grow into buddings, and finally reach an evergreen stage. Some of them go on to become essays if I feel I have a clear opinion on the topic.

Custom Components

I've built a number of reusable custom components for various situations.

There's the coming soon component that signals a post is half-written and needs to be finished in the future:

Coming Soon

Feel free to bug me on twitter to finish writing this.

There's an assumed audience component that I put at the top of some posts to make explicit who I'm writing for:

Assumed Audience
People who care about how websites are built.

I occassionally need to alert readers to dangers and threats:

This is an alert

Stay vigiliant to the threat of typography that is too small and low contrast to read.

Some are simply nicely styled callouts for books:

Addiction By Design